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Amplify your health

    FUN but TRUE: benefits of genital sunning


    Here are all the reasons why you need to let the sun shine where the sun don't shine:

    #1 Sunlight improves genital function

    The sunlight is more than UV rays, it has red / NIR, full color spectrum.

    Mitochondria present in every cell need Red / NIR for optimal function.

    The more you hide a body part from the sun the weaker it will be

    Red light is necessary for ATP production via cytochrome c oxidase

    New research around structured water suggests that the water in your cell can capture energy from infrared light, become more gel like, helping to increase ATP production.

    This is called EZ water.



    This is why red light / NIR have been shown to increase fertility & youth hormone production.

    This study showed that getting sun on the chest increased testosterone 120%

    But exposing the testes increased it 200%

    The genitals are amazing.

    They're not just for sex, they literally 3d print hormones that make life better.

    These hormones are the most protective hormones in the body, controlling energy levels, mood, drive, & libido.

    You cannot live a long, youthful life without them.



    Fertility is cratering and the decline in ATP generation + youth hormone production is the likely culprit.

    In this study red light therapy resulted in 20% of severely infertile ladies getting pregnant.

    Men's sperm production is a highly energetic process that requires significant amounts of ATP & testosterone.

    Sunning balls is one such way to increase both.


    This is probably part of the reason why the taoists knew that sunlight on the genitals increased overall energy.

    This is more woo woo, but they look at the human body like a battery... and the perineum / butthole region is like the solar panel

    According to the Taoists:

    "This gate is extremely important because it controls the flow of sexual energy, guiding it upward to the higher centers, and prevents the organs’ energies from leaking out through the base of the body"


    We all know the importance of vitamin D.

    The more skin you expose to the sun, the more vitamin D you will produce.

    Vitamin D is produced in the skin and the genitals are one of the most absorptive parts of the body.


    UV rays have disinfectant germicidal qualities. Sunning the genitals helps keep them pristine.


    #6 Continuous light is beneficial for every cell in your body

    Sunlight is extremely beneficial for every cell of your body -- not just because of the UV rays and colors, but because of the continuous bright light.

    In this study bright light increased sperm production.


    Our current time is characterized by low sexual energy, fertility and vitality.

    Sunning genitals & butthole chugging the sun is the cure.

    There's a reason why your genitals dance every time you expose them to the sun.

    PS. If your neighbors catch you, stare them in the eyes and assert dominance.

    CC: Carnivore Aurelius