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Amplify your health

    THE Protocol: Hormonal Health in Men and Women

    How Pine Pollen the active ingredient in THE Protocol Supports Hormonal Health in Men and Women

    Over the past four decades, reproductive issues in both men and women have been increasing at an alarming rate. According to a meta-analysis conducted by Dr. Shanna Swan, a leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologist and author of the book Count Down, sperm counts have declined by a whopping 50 percent in just 40 years. On the female side of the equation, infertility and miscarriage rates are also steadily rising. Swan predicts that due to these alarming changes, most couples will have to use assisted reproduction by 2045.

    What accounts for these skyrocketing rates? The answer is the presence of hormone-disrupting chemicals, such as phthalates and pesticides. These dangerous chemicals are found in many everyday products like cosmetics, personal care products, room fresheners, packaging, and even our food.    

    While we can do our best to avoid chemical-laden products, in today’s modern world, we simply can’t avoid them all. Thankfully, there is an all-natural substance in our backyards that may help restore our hormonal balance: pine pollen. How can this gift from Mother Nature help restore healthy hormone balance in men and women? Let’s find out.   

    Pine pollen supports healthy testosterone levels

    These days, both men and women are commonly deficient in testosterone. Deficiency in men can lead to fatigue, irritability, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, and low libido, while deficiency in women can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, low libido, and poor mood. Testosterone deficiency is largely due to the numerous xenoestrogens (estrogen mimickers) that are present in our environment and, consequently, absorbed by our bodies. 

    Pine pollen offers a trifecta of support when it comes to boosting testosterone levels. It’s one of the rare natural sources of testosterone, containing about 0.8 micrograms of testosterone per ten grams of pine pollen. Although it’s plant-based, the testosterone in pine pollen is almost chemically identical to that which is produced within the human body.

    In addition to directly supplying testosterone to the body’s endocrine system, pine pollen is also rich in the hormone DHEA, which is essential for testosterone production.

    To round out the trifecta, pine pollen contains a type of plant steroid called gibberellins, which is so structurally similar to testosterone that it binds to testosterone receptors in the human body, promoting the physiological effects of testosterone.

    Pine pollen supports overall hormonal balance

    Pine pollen not only increases testosterone levels, but also promotes a balanced testosterone to estrogen ratio, which is essential for male and female health. This is largely thanks to DHEA, which is a precursor to testosterone, estrogen, and other sex hormones. As such, consuming pine pollen supports overall hormonal balance by increasing whichever hormones your body is lacking.

    Pine pollen boosts sexual function

    When a person’s hormones are unbalanced, their libido can take a real hit. Thankfully, pine pollen has been shown to help in this area as well. This golden dust contains a rich amino acid profile that supports a strong, healthy libido. Two of these amino acids are phenylalanine and tyrosine, which are L-dopa precursors. L-dopa is metabolized into dopamine in the brain, which increases sexual interest and arousal.

    The bottom line

    Isn’t it amazing how connected the human body is with nature? This delicate powder, which facilitates the birth of new, healthy trees, also supports people in normalizing their hormone levels, boosting their sexual function, and increasing their vitality. If you’re ready to experience the incredible hormone-balancing benefits of pine pollen for yourself, try Amplifiers wild-harvested pine pollen today.

