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    NEWS: Organic Eggs Contain More Harmful PFAS Than Cage Eggs

    Eating cage eggs has long been considered a bad choice for society, and as a result, many supermarkets have stopped selling them, and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries wants to completely phase them out by 2035. However, a new study by DTU Fødevareinstituttet and Fødevarestyrelsen, which surveyed eggs at over 20 organic egg suppliers along with a number of other producers, has found that harmful carcinogenic PFAS substances, which have been found in Danish groundwater and rainwater, have also been discovered in organic egg yolks.

    The study reveals that while PFAS has also been detected in cage and free-range eggs, the presence is minimal compared to the amounts found in the organic eggs. The researchers believe that the PFAS are present in fishmeal, which would tie in with the frequent discoveries of the substance in groundwater and rainwater.

    The study concludes that children aged four to nine who eat more than 2.5 organic eggs per week are the most vulnerable segment of the population as a result of the study’s conclusions. Fødevarestyrelsen also concurs and suggests that the population in general should limit themselves to just two eggs a week for the foreseeable future.

    The researchers, led by Kit Granby, an associate professor at DTU Fødevareinstituttet, warn that consuming excessive amounts of PFAS over several years can damage the immune system. This includes reducing the effect of childhood vaccinations, increasing cholesterol levels in the blood, and reducing birth weight.

    The researchers say that the unwanted substance has been transferred to the eggs via fishmeal in the chicken feed. Therefore, a replacement with a non-contaminated feed ingredient within a few weeks could significantly reduce the content of PFAS in the eggs.

    MPs, already outraged by the discovery of PFAS substances in Danish rainwater, now want answers about the eggs. SF’s environmental affairs spokesperson, Carl Valentin, said, "It is scary. This story is one of a long series of stories that will run for some time yet. It is a huge problem, and it is everywhere in many of the everyday products we have. Therefore drastic action must be taken, first and foremost with a national ban on the use of these PFAS substances, along with a major action plan.”

    Konservative MP Mette Abildgaard also agrees that action is necessary as quick as possible. “I hope the minister doesn’t spend a long time acquiring a lot of new knowledge, because we already have a lot of knowledge, and I think we just have to get started,” she said.

    Overall, the study's findings suggest that while organic eggs may be considered a healthier alternative to cage or free-range eggs, they contain harmful carcinogenic PFAS substances that can have negative health effects if consumed in excessive amounts. The researchers warn that the population in general should limit their consumption of eggs to two per week and that children aged four to nine should consume no more than 2.5 eggs per week. MPs are calling for drastic action to be taken, including a national ban on the use of PFAS substances, to address this issue.

    source: CphpostÂ