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    Water Master Class

    Water Master Class

    I want to start with some facts to drill into you how important water is, biologically.

    A healthy adult contains ~10-12 gallons of water ā€“ 68% of total body weight.

    If your body doesn't have adequate water it cannot properly eliminate waste matter like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other impurities, in the blood and lymph.

    Toxins will gradually accumulate in body tissues and organs, causing inflammation, and leading to disease conditions.

    - Mental fog
    - Irritability
    - Depression
    - Cravings

    These are all symptoms of Dehydration Without water to keep the lymphatic system flowing properly, the body becomes highly acidic and highly toxic.

    Statistics show that 75% of Americans are dehydrated.

    For every 16 oz glass of water consumed, Americans consume 64 oz of soda.

    The 2 leading causes of dehydration?

    - Not drinking enough water

    - Obesity (dehydration also leads to obesity, which is a self-perpetuating problem.)

    You should aim to drink 1/2oz of water per lb of body weight per day, minimum.

    150lb = 80-90oz If you:

    - Live in a hot or desert climate
    -Live at high altitude
    - Exercise often
    - Are ill
    - immune support

    You need to drink more water.

    It can take up to 2 weeks for your body to adjust to drinking water after a long period of mild to moderate dehydration.

    You may see bloating and water retention during this time.

    In cases of chronic dehydration, it can take 4-6 weeks before symptoms of bloating are cleared.

    The QUALITY of your water MATTERS

    75,000 chemical compounds are found in our water supply today.

    When consumed, this water supply [Tap Water] comes with incredible health risks, placing a burden on the detoxifying and immune systems of even the healthiest of people.

    Never drink tap water.

    Unless you have tested your source, and are certain that it has no contaminants.

    You can check contaminants in your local water supply through the Environmental Working Groups [EWG]. Water contaminating in major cities is INSANE.

    Contaminants in the Los Angeles Water Supply:

    Contaminants in the New York City Water Supply:

    Contaminants in the Miami Water Supply:

    Showering in tap water also poses significant health concerns.

    You're standing under hot tap water, pores open, absorbing all of these chemicals through your skin.

    So what can we do about the problems of dehydration and the issue of our water supply being polluted with chemicals that are harmful to our health?

    - Create structure around drinking water
    - Drink clean mineral-rich water

    Let's break each of these down.

    - 1/2oz per lb, minimum
    - Start your day with 1-2 glasses of water, this helps activate internal organs
    - Drink before you are thirsty

    - Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals
    - Water should be either room temperature or warmer, minimize cold or iced

    Types of Clean Water:

    - Distilled
    - Reverse Osmosis
    - Activated Carbon Filter

    There are more but we'll focus on these.

    Minerals should also ALWAYS be added back into the water after any form of purification.

    Distilled Water
    This is water that is completely clear of all contaminants.

    It is, of course, also clear of all mineral content, and not easily assimilated unless treated by mineralizing.

    Reverse Osmosis Water
    Impure water is forced through a permeable membrane to create clean and demineralized water.

    Therefore it is necessary to structure and remineralize the water.

    Activated Carbon Filtered
    Water Absorbs many compounds, including toxic compounds.

    Manufacturer guidelines regarding replacement should be strictly followed as there can be a buildup of micro-organisms on the filters after use for some time.

    Structuring and Mineralizing Distilled water, or water purified by reverse osmosis, no longer contains trace elements naturally occurring in water.

    Structured water is easier for the body to assimilate, making it more easily absorbed and more hydrating.

    Adding unrefined sea salt like Pink Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt to your water will alkalinize, structure, and remineralize it.

    This makes it significantly more hydrating, while also increasing its healthful benefits.

    Pink Himalayan sea salt contains more than 80 trace minerals our bodies use to perform essential biological functions.

    Unrefined salt like this has not been subjected to chemical removal of minerals or bleaching, like refined 'table' salt.

    Unrefined salts have major health benefits, including:

    - Alkalizing (reduces acidity)
    - Balancing the function of the adrenal gland
    - Lowering blood pressure
    - Relieving muscle aches and cramps

    Always add a pinch of unrefined sea salt.

    Let's conclude with a few reminders

    - You're likely dehydrated, so drink more water
    - Never drink chemical tap water
    - Distilled and Reverse Osmosis water are the cleanest
    - Unrefined Sea Salt makes water easy to absorb, structures, and adds many health benefits.

    Not only is drinking an adequate amount of water crucial for optimal health and proper bodily function but the QUALITY also matters.

    With so much of our environment being polluted, we need to be extra conscious of what we're putting IN our bodies, reducing toxins in all ways.

    CC: Brian Kimpson