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    No. Title Author Link
    1 2-Deoxycastasterone, a New Brassinolide-related Bioactive Steroid from Pinus Pollen Takao Yokota Link
    3 A diffusible auxin from Pinus radiata pollen and its possible role in stimulating ovule development GB Sweet, Philippa N. Lewis Link
    4 A preliminary study on the enzymolysis polypeptide and its antioxidant activity of pine pollen Chen Wenyuan AFTER
    5 A preliminary study on Flavonoids in pollen of Pinus yunnanensis Liu Jiabao AFTER
    6 A Study on Nutrient Components of Pollen Grains of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana and Picea wilsonii ZHI Chong Yuan & Wang Kai Fa Link
    6 A Study on Nutrient Components of Pollen Grains of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana and Picea wilsonii ZHI Chong Yuan & Wang Kai Fa Link
    7 A study on the nutritive value of pollen from the Chinese Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana) and its effect on fecal characteristics in rats Zhao L1, Windisch W, Kirchgessner M Link
    8 A survey of the pharmacological action and clinical application of pine pollen [J]. Chinese National Practical Medicine, 2011, 6(28): 248-251 Lai Guiping, Yang Jihong, Zhan Xiaotao AFTER
    9 Actinobacteria possessing antimicrobial and antioxidant activities isolated from the pollen of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) grown on the Baikal shore Axenov-Gribanov DV1, Voytsekhovskaya IV2, Rebets YV3, Tokovenko BT3, Penzina TA2,4, Gornostay TG4, Adelshin RV2,5, Protasov ES2, Luzhetskyy AN3,6, Timofeyev MA2 Link
    10 Advances in Study on Healthy Benefits of Pine Pollen and Their Clinical Application Shen Deqiang, Chen Liyong Link
    11 An Analysis of the Research Status of Pharmacological Effect and Clinical Application of Pine Pollen Sheng Zhizhi Link
    11 An Analysis of the Research Status of Pharmacological Effect and Clinical Application of Pine Pollen Sheng Zhizhi Link
    12 Analysis of phytosterols in pollen of Pinus massoniana Sun Yangen AFTER
    13 Analysis of pine pollen by using FTIR, SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis Wang YM1, Wang HJ, Zhang ZY Link
    14 Analysis of Pinus massoniana Pollen Polysaccharide Composition with HPLC Lu Nannan, Shi Lihua, Liu Hui1, Liu Zhihe, Geng Yue Link
    15 Analysis of pollen components of broken wall Pinus yunnanensis and evaluation of its safety and function Fan Guodong, Liu Jiabao, Feng Wu AFTER
    16 Analysis of the human edible safety and defecation function of pine pollen powder Wen Pingjing AFTER
    17 Analysis on the development and utilization prospect of pine pollen resources Li Xiangdong AFTER
    18 Androgenic and Anabolic Effects of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. Pollen in Clarias gariepinus (African sharptooth catfish) Adenigba, I Link
    19 Antiaging effect of pine pollen in human diploid fibroblasts and in a mouse model induced by D-galactose Gen-Xiang Mao, Ling-Di Zheng, Yong-Bao Cao, Zhuo-Mei Chen, Yuan-Dong Lv, Ya-Zhen Wang, Xi-Lian Hu, Guo-Fu Wang, Jing Yan Link
    20 Antifatigue Function of Pine Pollen Liu Xie Link
    21 Anti-fibrotic effects of the Masson pine pollen aqueous extract on hepatic fibrosis rat model Cong T1, Jin XY2, Zhao L3, Ma L4, Li RS5, Zhao P2, Guo CJ1 Link
    No. Title Author Link
    1 2-Deoxycastasterone, a New Brassinolide-related Bioactive Steroid from Pinus Pollen Takao Yokota Link
    3 A diffusible auxin from Pinus radiata pollen and its possible role in stimulating ovule development GB Sweet, Philippa N. Lewis Link
    4 A preliminary study on the enzymolysis polypeptide and its antioxidant activity of pine pollen Chen Wenyuan AFTER
    5 A preliminary study on Flavonoids in pollen of Pinus yunnanensis Liu Jiabao AFTER
    6 A Study on Nutrient Components of Pollen Grains of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana and Picea wilsonii ZHI Chong Yuan & Wang Kai Fa Link
    6 A Study on Nutrient Components of Pollen Grains of Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus bungeana and Picea wilsonii ZHI Chong Yuan & Wang Kai Fa Link
    7 A study on the nutritive value of pollen from the Chinese Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana) and its effect on fecal characteristics in rats Zhao L1, Windisch W, Kirchgessner M Link
    8 A survey of the pharmacological action and clinical application of pine pollen [J]. Chinese National Practical Medicine, 2011, 6(28): 248-251 Lai Guiping, Yang Jihong, Zhan Xiaotao AFTER
    9 Actinobacteria possessing antimicrobial and antioxidant activities isolated from the pollen of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) grown on the Baikal shore Axenov-Gribanov DV1, Voytsekhovskaya IV2, Rebets YV3, Tokovenko BT3, Penzina TA2,4, Gornostay TG4, Adelshin RV2,5, Protasov ES2, Luzhetskyy AN3,6, Timofeyev MA2 Link
    10 Advances in Study on Healthy Benefits of Pine Pollen and Their Clinical Application Shen Deqiang, Chen Liyong Link
    11 An Analysis of the Research Status of Pharmacological Effect and Clinical Application of Pine Pollen Sheng Zhizhi Link
    11 An Analysis of the Research Status of Pharmacological Effect and Clinical Application of Pine Pollen Sheng Zhizhi Link
    12 Analysis of phytosterols in pollen of Pinus massoniana Sun Yangen AFTER
    13 Analysis of pine pollen by using FTIR, SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis Wang YM1, Wang HJ, Zhang ZY Link
    14 Analysis of Pinus massoniana Pollen Polysaccharide Composition with HPLC Lu Nannan, Shi Lihua, Liu Hui1, Liu Zhihe, Geng Yue Link
    15 Analysis of pollen components of broken wall Pinus yunnanensis and evaluation of its safety and function Fan Guodong, Liu Jiabao, Feng Wu AFTER
    16 Analysis of the human edible safety and defecation function of pine pollen powder Wen Pingjing AFTER
    17 Analysis on the development and utilization prospect of pine pollen resources Li Xiangdong AFTER
    18 Androgenic and Anabolic Effects of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. Pollen in Clarias gariepinus (African sharptooth catfish) Adenigba, I Link
    19 Antiaging effect of pine pollen in human diploid fibroblasts and in a mouse model induced by D-galactose Gen-Xiang Mao, Ling-Di Zheng, Yong-Bao Cao, Zhuo-Mei Chen, Yuan-Dong Lv, Ya-Zhen Wang, Xi-Lian Hu, Guo-Fu Wang, Jing Yan Link
    20 Antifatigue Function of Pine Pollen Liu Xie Link
    21 Anti-fibrotic effects of the Masson pine pollen aqueous extract on hepatic fibrosis rat model Cong T1, Jin XY2, Zhao L3, Ma L4, Li RS5, Zhao P2, Guo CJ1 Link